We have many good reasons to be against Tesla
Tesla wants to double the size of the Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg. Over 100 hectares of forest in a drinking water protection area are to be cleared for this purpose. There are many problems with this:
more Information (German)
- Die Gigafactory Erweiterung in Bildern – Wirtschafts Woche
- Interview mit Aktivisti – Was ist in Grünheide los?
- Die iL zum Bündnis “Tesla den Hahn abdrehen”
- Argumente des Bündnisses “Tesla den Hahn abdrehen” gegen die Erweiterung
- FAQ des Bündnisses
- Der Wald, um den es geht
- Die Erweiterung – Bebauungsplan Nr. 60 mit Umweltbericht (PDF)
- Die geplante Infrastruktur der Erweiterung
- Genehmigungsbescheid für den Bau der Gigafactory
Water – drinking water Before Profits
Tesla is stealing people’s drinking water and forests. The Gigafactory consumes as much water as a small town. In a protected area, the Gigafactory means above all a giga-threat to drinking water.
In one of the driest regions in Germany, this means rationing drinking water for local residents and an increased risk of forest fires. This clearly shows how resources are distributed under capitalism when they become scarce: The profit interests of billionaires like Elon Musk and corporations like Tesla are put before the interests of us all. It must be clear: Groundwater is first and foremost our drinking water!
more Information (German)
- Bündnis “Tesla den Hahn abdrehen” – Tesla und das Wasser
- Die Zine zu Wasserkämpfen des Klimakollektivs
- Was tun?! Podcast zu Wasserknappheit und Aktivismus
- Dissens Podcast zu Grünheide und internationalen Wasserkämpfen
- Telegramchannel – News zu Wasserkämpfen
- Bau einer Autofabrik im Trinkwasserschutzgebiet
- Rationierung von Wasser – 105 Liter pro Tag – tagesschau
- Der NABU zu Wasser in Brandenburg
- Weshalb der NABU gegen den Bau der Gigafactory klagt
- Kein Wasser für Schulen wegen Tesla, aber lieber den Chef des Wasserverbands abwählen – SZ
- Behörde lockert Umweltauflagen – Tesla darf Wassergefährdung selbst einstufen – Heise
- Lackunfall in Wasserschutzgebiet – taz
- Verstöße gegen Bau- und Umweltrecht – rbb
- Alle gemeldeten Umweltvorfälle der Tesla Gigafactory – fragdenStaat
- Auch in Californien ist Tesla die Umwelt egal – apnews
- Die Verbindung zwischen Teslas Abwässern und dem Berliner Trinkwasser
- Tesla: Muss in Berlin künftig das Wasser rationiert werden? – nd
- Dürrephasen in Berlin: Der Kampf ums Trinkwasser – tipBerlin
- Warum der Hauptstadt das Trinkwasser ausgeht – ZDF
- Trockenland – Wem gehört das Wasser? – rbb
- Klimawandel: Grundwasser in Deutschland sinkt – correctiv
- Dürren in Deutschland – Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung
- Sind die Verteilungskämpfe um Wasser längst gelaufen und keiner hat es mitbekommen? – correctiv
Working conditions – Tesla doesn’t care about people, but we do
Elon Musk doesn’t give a damn about the workers. Profit is more important to Tesla than the health of the workers. An above-average number of accidents at work and high sickness rates are the result of massive production pressure and poor occupational health and safety. We oppose the exploitation of people in the Gigafactory. We show solidarity with the workers in Sweden who are opposing Tesla’s exploitation by going on strike. We are also encouraged by the workers who are organizing here and fighting for their rights together.
more information (German)
- Reihenweise Unfälle in Musks Fabrik – Stern investigativ
- Inside Tesla Deutschland – Musks Profit auf Kosten der Arbeiter – Investigativ Recherche des Sterns
- Podcast: Inside Tesla – stern investigativ
- Brandenburgs Landesregierung im Faktencheck
- Zweifelhafte Methoden, Drohbriefe und Geschenke – Stern
- Tesla-Beschäftigte verlangen bessere Bedingungen – tagesschau
- Für eine faire Betriebswahl – IG Metall
- In Blitz Aktion zur IG Metall bekannt
- Die IG Metall bei Tesla
- Arbeitskampf bei Tesla – Jacobin Magazin
- Arbeitskämpfe bei Tesla in Schweden
Resource extraction and colonial exploitation – for a climate-just future
The production of electric cars is causing water crises and social injustice worldwide. Raw materials such as cobalt and lithium are used in the batteries of electric cars. Cobalt, for example, is mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo under catastrophic working conditions. Indigenous communities in Chile and Argentina, for example, are losing their water access and habitats due to lithium mining.
The climate crisis is a global catastrophe. We must not rely on companies like Tesla that endanger and exploit people and nature worldwide. Only together can we fight for a climate-friendly future.
We stand in solidarity with the anti-colonial struggles being waged by people on the ground!
more information (German)
- Formando Rutas – ein Bildungsprojekt über den Lithiumabbau in der Atacama-Wüste und den Einsatz von Elektroautos als vermeintliche Lösung für die Klimakrise
- Lithium und Repressionen in Argentinien – rosalux
- Lithium – Argentinien bereitet sich auf die heftigste Plünderung des 21. Jahrhunderts vor
- Lithium in Portugal – Tagesspiegel
- Die Spur des Aluminiums – Tagesspiegel
- Nein zum Lithium – Proteste gegen Verfassungsänderung in Argentinien- iz3w
- Die Schattenseiten der E-Autos – tagesschau
Mobility turnaround – in a social-ecological way
E-cars are a false solution. Tesla e-SUVs are also driving the climate catastrophe. We cannot rely on companies to solve the climate crisis, because companies are always concerned with profit. We are concerned with climate protection and social justice. Not everyone can afford a car, yet mobility is a basic need that we all have. We are committed to a socio-ecological mobility transition. This means: expanding bus and rail services instead of promoting overpriced luxury cars.
The “Wir fahren zusammen” campaign is a great example of how transport company employees are fighting together with people from the climate movement.
more information (German)
Countering the fairy tale of green capitalism
In capitalism, the interests of corporations are placed above the needs of people – this is also evident here in Grünheide. At the expense of our water security, the climate and exploited workers here and in the Global South, the car industry is being painted green and the richest person in the world is getting even richer.
A social and climate-friendly future is not possible under capitalism. Unfortunately, even a few possibly slightly less bad e-cars won’t help. Because still bad is simply not good. And what we need is a world in which a good life is possible for everyone.
Against a right-wing billionaire
Elon Musk is dangerous. His huge corporate empire gives him the power to attack democratic processes. Musk exploits the workers at Tesla and actively prevents the formation of trade unions. Since buying Twitter, Musk has given free rein to conspiracy theories and right-wing narratives and fueled them himself. He has extensive connections to fascists and is an avowed supporter of the AfD.
Anyone who demonstrates against right-wing pressure and fascism must also show a clear stance against Elon Musk.
more information (German)
- Tweet “We will coup whoever we want!” – Putsch für Lithium?
- Tweet “Is the german public aware of this?” Wahlwerbung für die AFD
- Tweet “You have said the actual truth” – Antisemistismus die Wahrheit nennen
- Warum der große Tesla-Steuersegen erstmal ausbleiben dürfte – rbb
- Wie deutsche Ministerien Tesla hofieren
- Ist das schon der Klima-Faschismus? – ak
Check this out:
A compilation of the most interesting articles (German only):
- Die Zine zu Wasserkämpfen – Klimakollektiv
- Zine zu Wasserkämpfen 2.0 – Klimakollektiv
- Wahlzeitschrift der Bürger*inneninitiative zur Abstimmung über die Tesla Erweiterung
For all ARTE documentary binge-watchers – our top documentary recommendations (German only):
- Inside Tesla Deutschland – Musks Profit auf Kosten der Arbeiterg – stern investigativ auf rtl+
- Warum der Hauptstadt das Trinkwasser ausgeht – ZDF frontal
- Formando Rutas – ein Bildungsprojekt über den Lithiumabbau in der Atacama-Wüste und den Einsatz von Elektroautos als vermeintliche Lösung für die Klimakrise
- Was bedeutet Kapitalismus und warum im Kapitalismus die Klimakatastrophe nicht aufgehalten werden kann?
And here’s something for podcast-fans (German only):
Alliance – Turning off the tap on Tesla (Tesla den Hahn abdrehen)
The interventionist left, Sand im Getriebe, Wald statt Asphalt, XR, Verein für Natur und Landschaft Brandenburg, solidarisches Potsdam, LEA, aap-Berlin and Wassertafel (inter alia) are all part of the alliance.
The alliance also has a Telegram channel.
Disrupt Action Days
The anti-capitalist action alliance DISRUPT is planning days of action against Tesla from May 8-12, 2024. Groups such as EndeGelände, the interventionist left and Sand im Getriebe are part of the alliance.
A non-partisan citizens’ initiative against the Gigafactory Grünheide by residents of Grünheide, Erkner and the surrounding area.
The “Water Table” (Wassertafel)
The Berlin-Brandenburg Water Table has been campaigning for the protection of groundwater for decades. The Berlin counterpart is the Berliner Wassertisch.