
Legal Informations:

The EA (legal team) is there for you, call us anytime if you have any questions or trouble with the police: +4930863214063

On your way to the occupation:

If the police tries to stop you on your way, you can always say, your on your way to the vigil point (MaWa).
The MaWa is a legal demonstration, which means that the police has no right to stop you or check you on your way there.
Unfortunately cops don’t always follow their own laws and still might try to stop you. if that happens please give us a call!

In case of eviction:

If the cops try to evict us they first have to officially dissolve the demonstration. They have to announce that three times, if you don’t want to get forcefully evicted, you can leave before the third announcement which might save you some trouble.
If you decide to stay and get evicted by the Cops, they’ll probably try to charge you with different misdemeanors, like not following the law of assemblies or the forest protection law. But Cops are assholes which means that they can also try to get you with criminal charges like resisting arrest or assault on police officers. So if you decide to go into action, be prepared for everything, think about concealing your identity, and keep in mind, that you won’t be left alone withe the repressions following the eviction. If you get Mail from the Cops regarding the eviction, please let us know per E-Mail:
If you decide to stay in the forest and resist the eviction, form affinity groups and get informed on the legal matters. There will probably be people there who can share their knowledge and the legal team is also always there for you and happy to help.

Some basic informations can also be found here: (unfortunately only in German)

Linie, auf der ein kleiner Igel mit "Fight CarPitalism" Fahne steht.